We believe that now more than ever we need to support our Small Local Businesses. That is why today we would love to shed some light on one of our NEW favorite noodle places, @FunNoodleBarSantaFe Have you been yet? If you have been you know what we are talking about! If you haven't it's a must check out ASAP! They hand-pull all of their noodles fresh to each order so you are guaranteed to have the freshest dishes ever! Some of their MUST TRY dishes are the delicious ramen, bao, or basically any classic Asian noodle dish.
#smallbusinesssaturday #supportlocalbusiness #givewhereyoulive
#spreadthelove #SantaFeNewMexico #SantaFe#NewMexico
#TheCityDifferent #NewMexicoTRUE #NewMexicoLove #SantaFeNM #SantaFeStyle #NewMexico_IGers #SantaFeHomes #SantaFeProud #SimplySantaFe #NewMexicoStyle #NewMexicoProud #NewMexicoRealEstate
#SantaFeRealEstate #NewMexicoLiving #GramOfEnchantment
#LandOfEnchantment #OnlyinNewMexico